Senior Requirements
BA: Studio Art
Senior Comprehensive Requirement:
All art majors satisfy the capstone/comprehensive requirement with the following:
ART 190A: Writing for Artists (meets the Disciplinary Communication requirement for the Art B.A.)
Plus one of the following options:
- Presenting an exhibition and, by appointment, meeting with a faculty member for review and critique of the exhibition; or
- Submitting a portfolio and, by appointment, meeting with a faculty member for review and critique of the portfolio; or
- Completing the following course: ART 190B: Senior Project (Only offered in Spring quarter)
No course credit is given for either the exhibition or portfolio submission. Consequently, students choosing one of these options must complete seven upper-division studios. Students utilizing Art 190B, Senior Project, for their comprehensive requirement may use this as one of their seven upper-division studios.
Senior majors should meet with their faculty advisor about this requirement.
Disciplinary Communication (DC) Requirement. Students of every major must satisfy that major’s upper-division Disciplinary Communication (DC) requirement. The DC requirement in art is satisfied by completing Art 190A, Writing for Artists.
A total of 85 credits are required for the Art B.A.; students are advised to plan in advance if they are interested in the program. Some requisite courses may be offered during Summer Session.
If you are planning to attend an abroad program at another university in your senior year, contact your college advisor about your senior residency requirement in advance.
Summer Grads Only: Summer graduates should plan to complete the comprehensive requirement during the Spring quarter before they graduate, since most faculty members are not available to review portfolios or exhibits during the summer.
Honors: Honors are awarded to students who receive a 3.95 cumulative GPA in upper division Art courses (courses numbered 100-199). Highest honors are awarded to students who receive a 4.00 cumulative GPA in upper division Art courses
Procedures for Graduation:
Apply for candidacy for a B.A. degree online at your student portal after the first day of the previous quarter before you plan to graduate. There is a $75.00 fee if you file late. Check with the Registrar’s office for filing deadlines. The deadline is early in the quarter.
Check your Academic Advising Report at your my.ucsc.edu portal regarding the completion of your major requirements. Your student portal will show your degree progress and completion of your General Education requirements. Contact your college regarding satisfaction of your UC GPA, completion of the Subject A and American History and Institutions requirement, your letter grade / pass-not pass grading option ratio, and completion of the 180 credits required for a B.A. degree.
Students may be able to participate in commencement ceremonies with their peers in the spring while still having requirements to complete. If this might be the case, contact your college about completing requirements and graduating after commencement ceremonies.
For more information
Contact the Art Department undergraduate advisor
Email: artadvisor@ucsc.edu