UC Systemwide Arts Collaboration Expands with the Success of Groundbreaking Grant


Paulina Patino, UCSC Art major, at Big Creek Natural Reserve, during the Immersive Arts Field Research course, taught by Art Professors Karolina Karlic & Jennifer Parker, Fall 2024. photo credit: Jennifer Parker

UC Santa Cruz proudly announces the success of nearly 2 Million UC Climate Action Arts Network (MPRI) grant as a dynamic, systemwide endeavor incorporating innovative climate action arts programming to engage California’s public for change.

Spearheaded by Art Professors Jennifer Parker and Karolina Karlic, this milestone marks a transformative step in leveraging art and design as a powerful medium to engage the public in climate resilience and sustainability.

Jennifer Parker, Director of the OpenLab Collaborative Research Center, and Karolina Karlic, Art & Science Director of the Kenneth S. Norris Center for Natural History and founding Director of Unseen California, have championed interdisciplinary approaches to art, science, and technology.

Together, they will amplify a new UC Climate Action Arts Network (CAAN) across the UC System * to unite artists, researchers, and community partners in impactful public engagement through exhibitions, symposia, and collaborative projects. “This grant allows us to deepen the intersection of art and climate action,” said Parker. “By integrating the voices of artists and researchers from all UC campuses, we are fostering a network that addresses pressing environmental issues and amplifies creativity as a catalyze societal change.”

link to article: https://news.ucsc.edu/2024/12/mrpi-awards.html

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