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Many Moons (2022)

Tue, Nov 1, 2022, 12:00 pm to Sat, Nov 12, 2022, 5:00 pm
Mary Porter Sesnon Art Galleries, Main Gallery

Many Moons (2022) is a hybrid documentary that asks questions about ghosts and placemaking today– looking at the history of Chinese expulsions in Humboldt County and the people who, often with the help of local tribes, continued to live in the county despite the threat of white violence. Directed by Chisato Hughes.

On loop from November 1-12, 2022.

Before coming to Santa Cruz, Chisato Hughes was an organizer with California Coalition for Women Prisoners, and HAPI, Humboldt Asians and Pacific Islanders in Solidarity. They believe in documentary as a site for empathy, a means for reckoning social histories and subjective relationships, and for bearing witness.


Frames Per Second: Diaristic Storytelling
w/ filmmakers Chisato Hughes, Hoda Sobhani, and Oana Tenter
November 2, 2022, 4-5:00p.m. PT
Online Event: Register Here

Join us for a conversation on diaristic storytelling and narrative technique with SocDoc filmmakers Hoda Sobhani, Chisato Hughes, and Oana Tenter.

This event is held in conjunction with Frames Per Second, a rotating exhibition of exemplary films from the Social Documentation MFA Cohorts 2021 and 2022: Ruth Anne Beutler, Ernie A. Calderón, Jordan Freeman, Chisato Hughes, Lara Saab, Hoda Sobhani, and Oana Tenter.
Full schedule here.