From the 1970s until her death in 1993, Hannah Wilke produced work that examined sex and sexuality, feminism and femininity, the body and its representation. Wilke's work culminated in the early 1990s with a stark, moving series of photographs of her face and body during her struggle and eventual death from cancer. The exhibition runs in conjunction with a conference sponsored by the Institute for Advanced Feminist Research (IAFR) on body modification.
Conference events at the Sesnon Gallery
Friday, October 14th
Porter College, Sesnon Art Gallery
2:30 PM - 4:30 PM: The Rhetoric of the Pose: Rethinking Hannah Wilke Panel Discussion
* Joyce Brodsky (Art, UCSC), "Painful Viewing: Seeing Hannah Wilke's Intra-Venus Photographs in the Light of Questions Raised by Susan Sontag"
* Carla Freccero (Literature, UCSC), "De-Idealizing the Body"
* Joanna Frueh, (Art, University of Nevada, Reno), "Beauty Loves Company"
* Donna Hunter (History of Art and Visual Culture, UCSC) "Venustas/Vanitas, or 'Everybody dies': Mortality in the Work of Hannah Wilke"
Related Events:
"Bodies in the Making: Transgressions and Transformations" link:
Conference dates: October 14-16, 2005