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Professor Jennifer Parker Sensing the Wrack

Jennifer Parker
Fri, Oct 20, 2023, 12:00 am to Sun, Oct 22, 2023, 11:59 pm

Professor Jennifer Parker Sensing the Wrack

Professor Jennifer Parker to presenting Sensing the Wrack as creative field research at the Imagining America National Gathering annual convening of public scholars, artists, designers, students, and cultural organizers who are addressing the most pressing issues of our time. The gathering offers participants a three-day immersive experience in which to connect, dialogue, learn, and strategize around the ways to build new knowledge and inspire collective imagination towards transformative education and action.

Sensing the wrack, in its essence, encapsulates the theme of reckoning with the Earth and establishes a profound material connection to deep time and the origins of life itself. "Wrack" refers to the decaying organic matter, such as seaweed and other debris, washed up along the shoreline. It symbolizes the remnants of existence that span ages and as a tangible link to our planet's past.

By engaging our senses in the presence of wrack, we tap into a primordial connection with the Earth. The distinct smell of salt, decay, and the ocean's essence fills our nostrils, evoking memories of the ancient seas that birthed life. The touch of rough, weathered textures grounds us in the physicality of the wrack, reminding us of the transformative forces of time.

In this sensory exploration, we uncover a deep time perspective, recognizing that the fragments of wrack we encounter today are part of an intricate continuum that stretches back millions of years. We become aware of the eons of evolution and transformation that have shaped our world and the complex web of life that has emerged from it.

Sensing the wrack offers us a glimpse into the interconnectedness of all life, a reminder that our existence is entwined with the past and future of our planet. It invites us to reckon with our role as Earth's custodians, acknowledging our actions' impact on the delicate balance of ecosystems.

In this act of sensing, we embark on a journey of reflection, humility, and responsibility, awakening a profound appreciation for the vastness of time and the extraordinary tapestry of life surrounding us.

Jennifer Parker